Governor Signs the Budget, June 3rd, 2010
Governor Sean Parnell signed the budget approving the final $75 million for the new Alaska Crime Lab. Construction is,once again, proceeding. Thank you to all who pushed for the funding. We are saving lives and a lot of heartache by getting this new crime lab. It will be a legacy that will, ultimately, change the crime rate in Alaska. The innocent will be protected and the predators will end up behind bars earlier in their careers. Many crimes will be prevented. No one should get away with murder, rape, nor any other heinous crime. Alaska will be so much closer to stopping the predators in our society. Fewer cases will grow cold. Victims will get answers much quicker. Confidence in our justice system will start to improve and more victims of rape will be able to endure reporting their rapes and assaults. The new crime lab will help balance the scales of justice.