Law enforcement know the exact locations of hundreds of thousands of people who are downloading videos and images of infants and children being raped and tortured. The Department of Justice knows that at least one third of these "Known Locations" a child is suffering in silence, waiting to be rescued. Less than 2% of these cases are investigated. It is the fastest growing crime in the US. We need our Governors to declare a "State of Emergency" to rescue these children. We need our Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force fully funded with state funds and every resource made available to them to fight this pandemic.
Please go to and read the White Paper We need to demand that we put the safety of our children first and stop allowing this abuse to continue. Call and email your Governor and tell them we need to declare a "State of Emergency" so all available resources will be used to rescue the children and get the offenders behind bars.
Listen to the pleas of two victims. Do something about this today! Please.