


We need your support!

Please support Karen Foster in her efforts to secure justice by changing legislation to protect our children.  Karen is working to change DNA laws in all 50 states and Canada, secure funding and get a "State of Emergency" declared by Governor Sean Parnell to rescue more than 400 Alaskan children who are being raped and tortured daily.  Law enforcement know the exact locations of more than 1200 in Alaska predators who are downloading, producing and sharing videos of infants and children being raped and tortured.  Less than 2% of these crimes are being investigated.   It is the fastest growing crime.  Let's rescue these children! Tell the Governor something needs to be done now.  We need to use every available resource.  Don't just send one fire fighter to a forest fire!

Karen and AlaskaCitizensForJustice would love to hear from you via the "Contact Us" page, also on this site.

We will list the names of those organizations and individuals who support our mission on this page. Our website is new, so check back as we add names. You may see your friends, co-workers and neighbors listed here. Please join us.

Nathan Baer, Anchorage, AK
Debbie Wiley, Bartlett, TN
Robyn Sandusky, Alaska
Jane Johnson, Anchorage, AK

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